Christian Photo Personals
"Bookmark this page . . .
You're about to get lost in a world of new Christian men and women interested in
love, marriage and friendship.
You WILL want to return to our free photo personals . . . eventually."

Singles Of Faith
is much more than another Christian dating site.
It is a ministry focused on helping Christian singles come to a better understanding of God's plan for them.
Singles Of Faith believes in helping you meet the person God has for us in mind.
Meeting this person also means becoming the person God has meant for for us to become.
Through relationship skills training and personal spiritual growth modules
and through community service workdays for single Christians nationwide
you can become the person your future marriage partner deserves... and meet them
in a safe, confidental setting. Go learn more
Free Trial Memberships
eHarmony Personals
To date, eHarmony has enjoyed (and helped its
members to enjoy) outstanding success. It has tens of thousands of members, and created
matches that have resulted in hundreds of marriages, and thousands of relationships that are going strong.
Using "values" when creating personal profiles, this service can help you meet someone who really does share
your spiritual and personal values.
Free Compatibility Profile on eHarmony ($50 Value)