you ever wish you had that extra edge that would help you magnetically attract
the opposite sex? Do you ever get frustrated because
your rivals seems to always seem to romantically attract men or women that YOU want to attract.
You know you are just as attractive, just as sexy, just as good.
Perhaps your competition, man or woman, has an overabundance
of natural pheromones ... or they are using pheromone scents that send out a powerful,
non-verbal signal that says, "Let's make love ... I'm in the mood for lovemaking and romance".
are natural chemical scents the body produces to attract the opposite
sex ... scents that work on the mind below the verbal level. These are natural scents that
scream :"let's make love". Pheromones are well
documented in the animal kingdom to precipitate
mating between animals. Pheromones broadcast a huge, Let's Make Love, signal that
generates passion in the opposite sex. Scientists now are finding that humans have and
broadcast pheromone scents that do just the same thing ... and powerfully so, creating
attraction, passion in men and women.
You, too,
can have this invisible secret power. Try these incredible pheromone products that enhance romance,
attract that man or woman to you and create a Let's Make Love state of mind:
Uneet Scentless:
An unscented pheromone spray that may be used with any fragrance
or cologne.
Hi-Octane+2 by Michael Vie™: Change your favorite fragrance
into a pheromone powerhouse.
Beaches by Michael Vie™:
A powerful sexual fragrance to attract the opposite sex.
Amour Devil:
A Devilish romantic attractant.
A romantic attractant combined with the scent of Patchouli.
Uneet Romantic Incense:
Incense laced with potent lovemaking pheromones.
Peaches And Cream Fragrance:
Absolutely irresistible to both men and women.